Friday, June 14, 2013

A Challenge to Our Belief System

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom, I give you this charge:  2Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.  3For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.  Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.  5But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

2 Timothy 4:1-5, NIV ‘84

      Earlier this afternoon, I received a phone call from a brother and sister concerned about the welfare of the Christian faith as portrayed during the times and seasons in which we live…and with great reason.  As I listened to them pour out their heart, I too became concerned with the state of affairs that the Body of Christ is currently facing.  You see, Christianity (and life as we know it for that matter) is about to change.  Now, do not let my last statement frighten you or catch you off guard.  I am not a doomsday preacher, one who panics or sees demons around every lamp post of every street corner, nor am I one who sounds unnecessary alarms …unless I have good reason to; and believe me, I think I have good reason to sound this alarm.
        So what caused this couple alarm?  A new teaching that merges the Christian faith with that of another belief system[1]; now you can call it what you want, but I’m going to call the very act of and thought process behind this new movement/teaching “spiritual adultery”(which is nothing new).  
        What I have seen portrayed during the times in which I live is similar to what was taught by the religious leaders of Christ’s day…you know, the ones who were were chastised for misinterpreting and distorting the Word of God and leading others to do the same (I believe Jesus called them blind guides[2]).  Religious leaders of the Bible were also condemned for not recognizing the hand and power of God which was being displayed right in front of them, and for teaching God’s people to “do as I say and not what I do”.  Their focus was on the minute, not the absolute truth; they imposed legalistic rules and regulations on a people who just wanted to know how to dwell in the presence of God.   For the most part, the religious leaders had traveled so far away from God, His teachings, and His presence, that their senses had become dull, their testimonies were weak, and their influence catastrophic.[3]
        The “social trend” of Christianity during the 21st century has experienced a significant change from that which Jesus taught during His day.  For the most part, over the past 20-30 years it seems to me that the popular or favorable way to live life has been under the covering of being called a Christian.  And because of its heightened popularity, our congregations and influence around the world has grown exponentially; our facilities have become fancier (like huge arenas), our pastors have become mega-superstars, and our worship leaders have become entertainers.  We have gotten away from pointing others to Jesus and His way of life; instead we point others to a building, a social activity, or a musical presentation.  We have sought out the seeker sensitive individual and vowed to make him or her feel good as they come in to our fellowship; in lieu of sending missionaries out into the highways and byways and compelling the lost sheep of the kingdom to repent and turn back to God.  We have pushed the next generation out of our worship services because they make too much noise; however, we justify our actions by providing them with their own unique alternative gatherings where the Word of God is incorporated into their style of dance and play.
        So with all of that said, let me pose a few questions to you:  Have we closed our ears to the Voice of the Spirit?  Are we bowing down to the almighty dollar, sacrificing our belief system on its altar in order to bring individuals into the faith who are inundated with talent and charisma?  Are we more committed to preaching a feel good message to those whose faith differs from ours just so they won’t be offended by the message of the Gospel that we say we believe?  Is it right for us to teach a watered down message of salvation in order to keep peace with our neighbors?  I think not!
        My dear children…we have got to know what we believe and Whom we believe in.  We have got to know the Word of God for ourselves.  We have got to be able to proclaim the message of the Gospel to those who are looking for a hope and a future.  Our walk must be sure, straight, and steady; our confidence and faith must be placed in the One who does not change His mind or alter His course, not in a deceived messenger whose senses have been dulled by ill-gotten gain and greed.  People are looking for heroes and heroines of the faith who are not ashamed of the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of salvation for those who believe.  They are looking for someone…just like them…who will walk in faith and proclaim the Gospel message in confidence.
         As a minister of the Gospel, I pray that I will remain faithful to the teaching that I say I believe and to communicate the unadulterated pure Word of God in such as way as to build up the faith of those who listen so that they will be prepared for good works of service in the kingdom of God[4].  I purpose in my heart not to sugar coat the Gospel message or alter it in any way; for the last thing that I want said of me and of the God to whom I serve is that my belief system is shaky at best and can be viewed as one which is tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.[5]  The truest desire of my heart is to encourage others to be built up in Christ and in their most holy faith, to teach and make disciples of all nations, admonishing  them to walk in love, and to do the work that they have been called to do.[6]  And because of my testimony and the commitment to righteous living that I have made to my God, I pray that you too will commit to a righteous way of living and believing.




[1] Chrislam – the merging of Christianity and Islam
[2] Matthew 15:14; Matthew 23:16, 24
    [3] Matthew 23; Mark 12:38-39; & Luke 20:45-47
    [4] Ephesians 4:11-12
    [5] Ephesians 4:13-14
    [6] Ephesians 4:15-16