Monday, June 10, 2013

A Brief Introduction

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you…” (Jeremiah 1:5a, NIV '84)
     In a world where opinions are posted, tweeted, and texted across county, state, and country lines within a millisecond, one would question the thought process behind an individual standing on a preverbal BLOG street corner attempting to make her voice heard the loudest amongst millions of others.  In reality, it doesn’t make sense to the human mind to toss yet another opinion or personal world view out into the air waves and expect somewhat of a significant return on your time and investment…unless you believe that you have a calling to do so.
      By way of this initial entry, let me take a moment of your reading time and introduce myself to you.  My name is Lalanda Harrell, Founder & Executive Director of Arms of Grace Ministries and I am a self-published author/minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   During my 27-year ministerial history, I have had the honor of assisting with the planting and establishment of two churches, three para-church organizations, and lead mission trips both at home (in the US) and abroad.  I have served in such ministerial capacities as Children’s Minister/Pastor, Executive Administrator for Youth and Children’s Ministries, Administrative Assistant, Singles Ministries Small Group Leader, HOST Team Member, and volunteer.  However, with all of the titles and/or accolades that I have ever received, my favorite (and what I tell everyone) is that I am a follower of Jesus Christ…I am a Christian!
      My qualifications to sit and write or even stand before a group of people and proclaim the message of the Gospel come from a Higher Source, for I have been put to the test in private and found to be faithful to the One who saves, delivers, and heals me from all unrighteousness.  He is the One who keeps me when I don’t want to be kept, and covers me when I don’t know I need a covering.  He is the One who walks with me during fiery trials and tribulations, and shields me when fierce winds and rain beat upon me.  I am qualified as a minister because of a personal choice that I have made before God; a choice that I honor during times of popularity and times of deep loneliness.  I have chosen not to let go of the hand of the One who can lift me out of any and all circumstances.  I have chosen to walk with God, and He has chosen to walk with me.
      More than anything that could be written within a single BLOG entry, the pages of a newsletter, or any other printed publication, and/or that can even be said to you in a face-to-face conversation, I pray that personal transformation will take place in your heart as a result of what is presented and read – and that in the end – you are prompted to live your life for the glory of God. 
  As I embark on a journey of this caliber and try something NEW (or at least new to me), I invite you my new found friend, to enjoy reading some of the material that I believe has been given to me from on High via this weekly BLOG[1].  You’re also invited to logon to the Arms of Grace Ministries website[2] to read additional Biblically based testimonies, articles, downloads, to search through our teaching aides, and practical application exercises and use the material found therein during your personal Bible study and evangelical outreach efforts.  I also cordially invite you to view and ‘like’ our Facebook page, for it is here that you will receive an encouraging word to begin your day.  And if you are inspired by what you read and desire to share this ministry with your family, friends, and/or acquaintances, please feel free to do so. 
      Whenever you take a moment to connect with myself and/or this ministry, I pray that you not only physically hear what is being said, but that you grow and mature by leaps and bounds in your faith and encourage others to do the same; and together we will touch people and change lives for the glory of God.                      




[1]  BLOG enteries are posted to our website page or on our blogger account

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